UK Employment Law Academy - 9th Cohort
Designed for people managers and HR professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the key aspects of UK employment law.
By attending this course you will..
Have access to bite-sized learning designed to fit in with day to day demands of working in HR/people management
Be in direct contact with an experienced, specialist employment law solicitor
Demonstrate increased efficiency in key HR processes
Join an exclusive LinkedIn Group so you can expand your network and connect with peers on a similar career path
Gain access to comprehensive training notes for each module covered within the course
Actively participate in case studies based on real cases.
Be able to log CPD points/hours contributing to your record of continuing professional development
The course is made up of 8 modules which will be delivered over 4, hour-long webinars. Each session will be presented and hosted by an experienced solicitor from the team at Sherrards and will cover each topic in a practical manner, encouraging engagement with the case studies presented along the way.
The 8 modules covered within the UK Employment Law Academy Course will be delivered as follows:
As a result of attending the Sherrards Academy UK Employment Law Course you will:
Understand the legal principles within key areas of UK employment law
Be equipped to avoid common UK employment law pitfalls
Have the ability to apply the learning within your day to day role to ensure your organisation deals with any potential issues effectively and legally from the outset
Correctly and confidently identify when to initiate key HR processes and also demonstrate increased efficiency within those processes themselves.
Thursday 8th June 2023