Menopause in the Workplace

Training, workshops and advice from Sherrards

Lorraine Sherrard is a Director of Sherrards and Sherrards Occupational Health and is a highly experienced HR Consultant. Having joined the team in 2004, she has worked on a wide range of HR initiatives with many clients over the past 20 years.  

A purple and green logo

Description automatically generatedLorraine is also a Licensed Menopause Champion as certified by Menopause Experts Group (MEG). MEG champions work with and train organisations to create better supported workplaces for women something that has never been higher on the agenda than now! 

Increasingly, companies are becoming truly invested in the welfare of their employees. They realise the importance of supporting women in the workplace through the unique challenges that they encounter and understand that by contributing to the wellbeing of their employees, both the organisation and the individual benefit.   

As a behavioural coach in QTT™ (Quantum Thinking Transformation™), Lorraine can work with employees who are finding themselves stuck or in need of guidance and support. QTT incorporates fundamentals of positive psychology, neuroscience, and neuro linguistics. The approach empowers clients with a toolkit of techniques, methods, and processes for dealing with life’s challenges as well as optimising life’s opportunities.  

Lorraine can also deliver a range of Menopause Awareness Training Programmes to your management team and employees across the business. Training programmes and workshops can be delivered to tie in notable dates such as International Women’s Day, Menopause Awareness Day, or even key internal events clients already have scheduled to take place.

Menopause in the Workplace Training

Enhancing diversity and inclusion, Menopause in the Workplace Training will encourage your teams to become more aware of the issues menopause can create in the workplace, what the symptoms are, how to actively support colleagues and how best to deal with any issues that arise. Areas covered include:

  • Recognising the symptoms of menopause

  • Why every employer should be menopause friendly

  • How menopause could affect your employees in their role

  • Understanding your responsibilities as an employer

  • Creating a menopause action plan

  • Accredited Menopause Friendly workplaces

Wellbeing at Work - Menopause Training

Workshops designed and delivered with a focus on supporting employees experiencing perimenopause and menopause symptoms can also be delivered. Drawing on her skills as a behavioural coach in QTT™, Lorraine can offer guidance and support, empowering employees with further information and support regarding symptoms, mindset and wellness.

  • Benefits of delivering Menopause Awareness Training Programmes:

  • Training will ensure your managers and employees will be well informed and confident about recognising symptoms of the menopause

  • Your organisation can become an accredited menopause friendly workplace

  • Live Q and As will allow your delegates to get immediate answers to their questions and they will leave the training more informed as a result.

Sherrards would love to support your organisation and colleagues and guide you through all the HR areas that you should consider as a menopause friendly employer. The topic of menopause shows no sign of going away, it’s as important as ever for employers to do what they can to support their staff and to continue to increase awareness and education on this key topic. 

By working with Sherrards in partnership with Menopause Experts Group your organisation will be awarded the Menopause Experts Approved status badge which you can add to recruitment campaigns, social channels and even your website for more awareness of your efforts and progress to become a Menopause Friendly workplace.

For more information on the training programmes we offer please send an email to [email protected] or call and speak to a member of the team on 01273 834120.

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